Shaela Noella’s readings offer a doorway beyond the veil. Here she connects with visions, benevolent guides, spirits, ancestors and part of the self from the past and future. She facilitates receiving insight and perspective beyond everyday life that can release the limitation of the 3-D realm for greater understanding about health, relationships, blocks and resistance to the experiences in life that we desire.
Shaela Noella can also connect with loved ones already passed from our current life and ancestors that have preceded us. Greater perspective on the lives of others can bring deep healing and forgiveness for the intellectual mind to comprehend from the larger perspective. In addition, very often playful, wise nature, celestial spirits and beings make appearances bearing wisdom and insight from the earthly and cosmic realms reminding us of the abiding wisdom that connects us to the larger world and multiverse.

Oracle readings from the deck of the Imaginable:
This is quite amazing: Shaela Noella picks an imaginary card or a card that is blank on one-side.
She sees imagery and begins to relay the messages depicting what she is seeing.
These cards can be playful yet profound, enlightening and sometimes mind-blowing, or great affirmations about life.

Song Spirit Medicine Readings:
Song Spirit Medicine Readings:
These readings can be very profound or vast. I always begin each session with an offering of song to open and connect with the spirit world, and benevolent compassionate helping spirit guides; in the name of the highest good for all beings everywhere. I will then relay what I see and hear. You can ask any questions and direct the session to cover a variety of topics. At any point during the session I might sing again to feel my connection to the spirit world, and I always end in song to offer gratitude to the spirit helpers and support integration of the information.
What kind of spirit guides show up? It really depends on who I am working with (and their belief system) but I always sing to connect with benevolent, compassionate, helping spirits; which can come in many forms: Angels, Great Spirit, Spirit Animals, Ancestors, God(s) & Goddess(es), Guiding Stars, the Higher Self of you or a loved one, deceased loved ones, Light beings, Love beings – and so many more possibilities.
Readings can focus on one topic or include all topics. It is important to be specific if you do not want to address certain topics or if you want to focus on just one (For example someone that doesn’t believe in past lives would not want to go over such topics, where other people might want to spend the whole session for a past life reading). If you want to cover all topics, a few sessions might be needed; it really depends on you, your guides, and how much information comes through. Sometimes people receive very short and simple messages and sometimes very elaborate details or layers to sift through.
TOPICS that can be addressed, or that come through, in a Song Spirit Medicine Session are:
General information and Insight: I will share with you what I see and hear. You can ask any questions.
Life or Soul Purpose: I will contact your helping spirits and relay the information I hear about your life, soul, or purpose as well as let you know what steps to take in order to live in alignment with your purpose or truest calling, or to discover what your true calling is.
Connection with a loved one in the Spirit World: Upon your request I will contact a passed loved one. If they are available to speak and if you feel a resonance with the connection, then we can all proceed. It is very rare that a connection with a loved one does not occur through me, but if the connection doesn’t resonate you have the option to end the session early and only be charged for time spent.If you want to focus solely on this topic, click here.
Body/Health Scan: I will ask your angels and spirit guides to illuminate energetic imbalances that are speaking through your physical body or causing pain or disease. Health issues can be complex, and sometimes it’s helpful to get perspective of the variant energetics that can lead to discomfort. I offer a compassionate ear, and support from the spirit world. I can focus on a specific topic or issue, a specific part of your body or scan your body from head to toe and let you know what I see happening either energetically or contributing to physical health issues that arise from emotional, mental and spiritual energetics and/or ancestral patterning.
Sometimes there are natural remedies or suggestions for you to research but It is important for me to state that the information is not in place of your Doctor’s advice, and that you take full responsibility for whatever actions you take in your health.
Ancestor Healing: Somehow I have the gift to see into our ancestors’ experiences and beagle to see how imprints, memories, feelings, behaviors or imbalances that can be attributed to illness can be passed down generationally. Our lineages can carry things for many generations and have no idea where some of the patterns originated from. These readings help identify the stories and offer healing energies, or practices to help clear or re-pattern unhelpful patterning, to honor our ancestors, live more fully, and freely be ourselves.
Past Life Healing: The modality I use to access past lives was taught to me by spirit guides. I offer songs to helping, compassionate, benevolent spirit guides to open and create the container, and then follow a golden (or usually golden colored) thread from the back side of the belly button to the past. As I do this, I ask the guides to illuminate lives, or parts of lives that have had a powerful impact. If there are wounds as a result of the impact;, then remedies, or suggestions for healing them?
Soul Retrieval: Through different life choices, proclamations or traumas, our soul or parts of our self can be located in other parts of this world, in different dimensions or with other people. Soul Retrievals can help call back fragments of ourselves so we can live more fully. It’s often best to prepare for such work so that you can integrate well. Thus it’s more likely that in a Song Spirit Medicine session we would identify what soul retrieval is needed and talk about the preparation for a Soul Retrieval session. Yet there are always unique situations in which they could happen spontaneously in a Song Spirit Medicine session. If you already identify with wanting a Soul Retrieval Session, I recommend you first book a short, preparation and introduction for a Soul Retrieval session with me here, or a Song Spirit Medicine Session (below) if you have other topics you want to discuss.
TAKING RESPONSIBILITY: No matter who you’re speaking with in your life—friends, mentors, guides, strangers, etc—you still have FREE WILL and it is important that you are also able to use discernment and see what resonates for you in all situations. It is important that everyone who works with Shaela Noella takes responsibility for their own choices, and actions. Therefore, there is a waiver to read and sign before working with her. Most of the information that comes through her (unless stated otherwise) in sessions are channeled from a higher source, yet none of it should be used in place of physical or mental medical care from an authorized medical professional.
When working with Shaela Noella, or with anyone, it can be healthy to take time to sit with things, or do some research on some of the information before acting. It’s important to take responsibility for yourself in regards to these sessions as well as any situation in your life. Blaming others for your choices puts you in a place of disempowerment. Making choices from a place of resonance, and education is self empowering. Shaela Noella’s sessions are to help people get closer to their own truth, empowerment, life and more.
Other important information:
Sometimes people ask specific, definitive questions about the future. The future or destiny depends on a variety of circumstances and has the ability to change, because of free will and many factors of the Universe. Thus, there is never a “for sure,” definite answer for questions about the future. Questions in regards to the future will have answers to offer possibilities or perspectives to carry forward for a variety of possibilities.
Sometimes people ask questions on the behalf of others. I prefer not to answer those types of questions unless the other people have given me their permission or permission from their spirit feels granted.
If anyone ever asks Shaela Noella to perform work on someone in a way that is harmful or vengeful to themselves or others, Shaela Noella will DECLINE. Shaela Noella would most likely suggest forgiveness to the person feeling vengeful or have to discontinue working with them. Shaela Noella works with the intent of the highest good for all, in the name of healing, love and light, and though she is also human and learning, she strives to work in integrity for the good of all. She honors and loves all people from all walks of life, genders, ages, races and is in no way discriminating against any “types” of people. However, Shaela Noella reserves the right to refuse to work with someone if she doesn’t feel it is in their highest good or if they are treating her unkindly.