Shaela Noella is a songstress, medium, and practitioner of the healing arts.
She carries the magic of laughter, sound, and nature flower essences.
Her prayer and intent is to serve in the highest good for all beings everywhere.
Shaela Noella's Online Courses
are a wonderful way to learn from her.


y experience working with Noella as a true intuitive psychic has been incredibly transformative. Her ability to see into not only my outer experiences and blocked places but my internal reality, past life experiences, and energetic entanglements has helped me to navigate a pathway through. It’s like getting a past-present-future map of my whole self, so that I can be aware as I both heal and move forward in my life.

oella has been an instrumental force of healing and transformation in my life. I have had spiritual guidance sessions with Noella over the 10 odd years, always at critical junctures in my life. At times I have been in crisis, heartbroken, or lost in direction, struggling with health challenges or spiritual ones. At other times I have been stronger and clearer but still uncertain about which direction to move.

haela’s connection to intuitive, extensive, and rare to possess. I appreciate her effort to communicate what she hears and sees with as little of her own interpretation—a true practice in patience and humility. Her reverence for Spirit, my guides, and ancestors allows me to feel seen and comfortable calling in their wisdom. I first met Shaela while at a cross-roads in my life and was amazed by the detail and specificity of the guidance that came through, and have continued working with her for over three years. ~Michael